Putting you at the forefront of your care, while always walking alongside you.

Pregnancy and Birth Care


As Licensed Midwives, Attendance of your birth at Home

Free Consultation

Each course of pregnancy care begins with a free consultation. Here, we are able to get to know one another, hear about all of your hopes and dreams for a homebirth, and decide if Hamilton & Magan are the right midwives for you! 


Prenatal Care

The schedule of prenatal care follows routine recommendations - seeing you every 4-6 weeks until your third trimester (28 weeks), then seeing you every other week until 36 weeks, at which time I start seeing you every week. Of course, to your consent.

The big difference between our schedule and typical hospital practices is that we spend 1 hour together discussing you holistically - knowing that although your physical numbers are important, you are much more than a blood pressure, heart rate, and baby heartbeat - you are impacted by your culture, what is going on in your life, your mental health and more. We love having the time to understand this and how it impacts you, your physical health and your life.

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The birth of your baby can be one of the most joyful and connected days of you and your family’s life. We believe that it should be treated with the respect the sacred space deserves as you bring your little one earthside. We come to your house for the birth when you need more support and are ready for the midwife team, and stay until you and your newborn are stable. We aim to do this with utmost respect and understanding of the birth space, honoring it as yours. We support both water and land births, whichever you are most comfortable with. 


Alongside Care

Alongside Care is for persons with a history of cesarean birth (not currently allowed by law in Alabama) or high risk condition that necessitates a hospital birth. 

You have the bulk of your prenatal appointments with Aurora, then Hamilton or Magan acts as your doula in the hospital role, then resumes postpartum care at a 3-5 days after the birth. This allows for the intimate care and attention to preparation given in the midwifery model of care, while still maintaining the legality of VBACs only in the hospital. 

A la carte prenatal and postpartum appointments available if space allows


Postpartum Care

Whether it is your first baby or your tenth, the transition of adding a precious new human into your life is always a big one - one that deserves as much attention and follow-up as your pregnancy. We follow-up with you at 24-48 hours to ensure a smooth transition into this new territory, then again at day 3-5, at 2-3 weeks, and 6 weeks postpartum. 

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Looking for Gynecological care?



“At all of my appointments, I never felt rushed or like just a number. She always took time to answer any questions. There was at least one time that I broke down and cried and she comforted me. She was never pushy about anything but gave me the pros and cons to every option. She was the epitome of informed consent.”


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.