The birth of Florence Grace and her mother.

I wanted to write out Flora’s birth story! I’m ready to share.

As I’m sitting down to write this, I can’t help but fight the question why? I actually used to write about my life often, but only when there was trauma involved. I haven’t sat down to write anything in about 7 years. There has been no trauma, thus no stories…but I’m showing up here today to say that is the biggest lie from the enemy I have ever been told. That my stories are not worth telling unless they are filled with death, heartbreak, sin, or emotional instability. God has proven to me over and over again how gracious and good he is, and all I have shown him in return is that I don’t trust Him enough to share that. He has been sanctifying me since 2013 and I officially heard Him call me to Himself in 2020. He revealed my sin and how completely arrogant and controlling I have been (along with a slew of other sins). When He revealed this, I felt such relief and I truly felt his goodness.

Florence’s birth is a story of grace, trust, and glory and I couldn’t be more proud to share that!

When we found out we were pregnant with Florence, we of course made an appointment with the first practice I saw in network. After a couple of appointments I was not satisfied with our care and knew I wouldn’t be supported in the natural birth I wanted. At 12 weeks pregnant, Justin and I searched out midwives and had a meeting that left us feeling so hopeful, but we realized it would be a financial strain with our insurance not covering any of it so we decided to stay at our OB and fight for the care we wanted. Over the few months we were there I was miserable. I felt like another number in a system that did not care how my birth would go and I was scared…But God! He showed up in a very specific way and opened the door for us to partner with Hamilton, our midwife, and it was clear I needed to trust him! Changing care at 20 weeks pregnant is NOT something I would have ever done in my past, but I knew God was moving and I needed to listen. Over the next 20 weeks I received care that was holistic, medically sound, and overall fantastic.

This is a very visible way God showed up for us and I am so thankful I obeyed his direction…now onto the main event!

The week of Florence’s due date we anticipated labor starting everyday, so by the Friday (my due date) I had reconciled that she would stay put until 41 weeks and to stop expecting it. Sunday morning (Father’s Day) something woke me up around 1:45 a.m. I wasn’t sure what it was so I got up to use the restroom and went back to bed. Then it happened again. Pressure. I tried to go back to sleep but these waves of pressure kept waking me up so I decided it was time to pay attention. I timed them and they were fairly consistent. I let Justin sleep because I knew it would be a while since I wasn’t experiencing much pain. He must have heard me moving around because he woke up around 3:30 a.m. to me laying on the floor trying to rest between contractions. I told him I thought I was in labor but I wasn’t convinced yet. Things had picked up so I called Hamilton around 4:30 a.m. and told her I thought I was in labor but again, wasn’t sure. We talked through what I was experiencing and she agreed that she would come over around 7:30 to check things out and start my antibiotics. Between 5 and 7 am I walked our street trying to encourage a productive labor pattern, while also enjoying the quiet mild morning. It was so peaceful! While I was out, Justin had started my essential oils and worship music and had our bedroom ready for me to labor in.


Hamilton arrived around 8 and agreed today was the day! I kept telling her I thought I called too early (which I was so embarrassed about… I did not want to be one of those moms!) but my contractions would go from consistent to long breaks and I was truly just not sure what was happening. They all felt productive, though. We started my antibiotics, listened to Flora, and started to wait. We called our sweet photographer, Brooke, and she arrived soon after. (I didn’t mention earlier but how we met her was also a total God move in plain sight. Guys, He is faithful!)

The boys woke up around 8 and had breakfast, watched a show, and we talked about how Flora was going to arrive today! Hampton, who I knew would be so thoughtful, immediately went into toddler doula mode and stayed by my side as much as he was comfortable. He was so caring, concerned, and sweet during contractions and we made sure he knew he didn’t have to stay in with me if he didn’t want, so he came and went as he pleased. Beau (if you know him you know) did his own thing and popped in every now and then full of spunk and fun!

Around noon we knew it was time to fill up the tub, and even though we had practiced, our hose would not attach to the shower head like it had before. Poor Justin had to stand at the shower for an hour while Hamilton and Brooke took turns holding the other end in the pool. It was the comedic relief I needed! Up until this point my contractions were strong, but not overly painful. I started to feel nauseous and we knew things were ramping up! I got in the tub and labored on my hands and knees for about 45 minutes before it was time. I had not been vocal about how I was feeling Florence continually move down into the birth canal through contractions so when it was time to push I just said “somethings happening!” Her head was out. At that point I just wanted her out and continued to push even though I wasn’t contracting. Hamilton reminded me to wait for my body and so I did. A few minutes later in one contraction she was here. Tiny, full of color, and perfect!

The hours following were full of bliss, soaking her in, nursing, watching the boys meet their sister in our home, and waiting until we were all ready for the routine newborn screenings. It was perfect.

If you knew me before I truly met God, you knew that I needed to control everything. I needed to know exactly how things would go, when they would happen, and what the outcome would be. Not really a personality trait conducive for a home birth. But after the trauma we experienced with trying to control Hamptons birth, and even still with Beaus, God knew I was ready to listen this time…and He paved the way.

Throughout contractions I prayed for Him to be glorified through this experience. That Florence’s birth would speak directly of Him and his goodness, and it did. Not because it went perfectly, but because I listened when he called me to Himself and the way I live my life is forever changed. God is not the author of confusion, and this birth experience was full of very clear answers. I am so thankful The Lord trusted me with this story, and I’m excited to continue raising my children with HIS glory in mind!

June 20, 2021 at 1:26 p.m. Florence Grace Simpson was born safely at home!

7 pounds even and 20 inches long.

*All photos by Natasha Brooke Photography

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